YOUR KEY to innovation and success
UltraFast Innovations is a premium manufacturer of custom-made optics, broadband coherent sources, diagnostic devices and engineering solutions in ultrafast science. By providing an integral consulting approach to our customers, we help them to find the solution that suits their exact requirements.
Cavity-Ringdown Reflectometer
and Loss Meter
Characterize low-loss/high-reflective mirrors
White Light
Measure GDD of mirrors
LIDT up to 90 J/cm²
High LIDT large aperture
dispersive optics
Up to 8”/200 mm laser optics
UltraFast Innovations GmbH
Am Coulombwall 1
85748 Garching
tel. +49 89 36039 - 437
fax. +49 89 36039 - 453
UltraFast Innovations is a spin-off from the LMU Munich and the Max Planck Society.