in this issue
in this issue
issue 22 // December 2019
Since the late 1980s, vaginal mesh implants have been a common treatment for ailments such as urinary incontinence and vaginal prolapsed. But almost 30 years later, these flexible plastic scaffolds have been the subject of high-profile scandals after news broke that patients were experiencing life-altering complications as a result of transvaginal mesh implants. We take a look back at the use of surgical mesh to find out what went wrong.
Also in this issue, we review draft legislation from the US FDA for a new voluntary programme for medical devices, examine the MemorEM head device from NeuroEM Therapeutics which is claimed could reverse memory loss in Alzheimer’s patients, and find out how manufacturers redesign devices to stay competitive.
Plus, we round up key areas where drones are being employed to help transport medical equipment, take a look at the world’s first diagnostic app for respiratory disease, find out how AI is being used to identify post-traumatic stress disorder, an ask if technology is moving us towards an age of diagnosis without doctors.
Eloise McLennan, editor