Economists and institutions have cut their forecasts and experts are predicting the potential onset of recessionary environments.

Global companies are also concerned about the rising risk of Covid-19, with thousands of the world’s leading companies explicitly mentioning its impact on their business in their latest company filings.


IMF forecasts the global economy to contract by 3% in 2020 as the ‘Great Lockdown’ will cause a dramatic drop in economic activity.


The International Labour Organization estimates 6.7% of worldwide working hours will disappear in Q2 2020.

Impact of Covid-19 on asset prices


As of 05 May 2020

disposable hospital supplies market impact

GlobalData expects the current spend for disposable hospital supplies to increase $8bn worldwide, substantially up from the current estimate of $16.4bn, based on worst-case scenario assumptions.

30,000  ->  18,000



The initial surge in demand for ventilators is now subsiding as UK and US reveal much less demand for ventilators during the first wave than anticipated. The UK reduced its demand from 30,000 additional machines to 18,000.

Employment market impact


The number of available jobs for medical manufacturers fell 22% in the last month. 

Key mediCal market developments

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