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issue 7 // May 2018
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issue 7 // May 2018
The UK’s new National Centre for Healthcare Photonics, part of the Centre for Process Innovation, is due to open this year. Its work will focus on developing novel technologies for imaging, diagnostics and therapy, as well as offering an open-access workspace for industry collaborations. We speak to the Centre for Process Innovation to find out what the new photonics centre will offer to the UK's medical technology community.
We also look into concerns raised by the Association of British Healthcare Industries over the future of healthcare exports to the EU, which has been identified as a major target for growth, and find out what it will take to facilitate smooth trade of medical products in a post-Brexit future.
Plus, we speak to ApoQlar about its Virtual Surgery Intelligence, a software tool that creates mixed reality 3D models from MRI and CT scans to help surgeons prepare for surgical procedures, take a look at the latest personal technologies available for medical practitioners, and find out how healthcare providers can prepare for the increasing digitalisation of patient care.
As always, we also get the latest comment and analysis from GlboalData’s healthcare analysts on market dynamics, product innovation, regional developments and regulatory issues.
Susanne Hauner, editor
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Group Editor | Susanne Hauner
Commissioning Editor | Daniel Garrun
Writers | Elly Earls, Abi Millar
Reporter |Charlotte Edwards
Magazine Designer | Lorena Martinez
Graphic Designers | Paulius Zutautas, Francesco Cianciulli, Marzia Compassi, Kate Cuntapay, Anett Arc, Sara Basto
Lead Designer | John Hammond
Digital Publishing Director | Duncan West
gSales Manager | Nimai Amin
+44 (0) 207 936 6453
Deputy Editor | Callum Tyndall
Medical Technology is a product of Net Resources International. Copyright 2017 Net Resources International, a trading division of Kable Intelligence Limited. Registered office John Carpenter House, John Carpenter Street, London, EC4Y 0AN, UK. Company registration number 03171601.All rights reserved. No part of this publication may be reproduced in any form or by any means, electronic, photocopying or otherwise, without prior permission of the publisher and copyright owner. While every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this publication, the publisher accepts no responsibility for errors or omissions. The products and services advertised are those of individual authors and are not necessarily endorsed by or connected with the publisher. The opinions expressed in the articles within this publication are those of individual authors and not necessarily those of the publisher.