July 2021

While public perception may suggest that Big Pharma holds the top spot when it comes to making payments to physicians, a recent study found that the US medical device industry actually outspends pharmaceuticals in this area. In the next issue of Medical Technology, we find out more about the payments flowing to physicians from medical device firms and how industry-physician relationships might be better managed in the future.

Also, we ask if wearable devices will ever be able to accurately measure blood pressure to a clinical standard and examine a new deal between NHS England and the private hospital sector that is designed to help clear the huge backlog of non-emergency procedures called off at the height of the Covid-19 pandemic.

Plus, we talk to Sky Medical Technology about post-pandemic innovation in healthcare, debate whether a growing range of consumer health tech is encouraging more patients to self-diagnose conditions that may require professional assessment, and examine ways that innovative technology is changing the way that prospective surgeons are trained.


Editor | Eloise McLennan
Writers | Chloe Kent, Abi Millar, Natalie Healey
Magazine Designer | Tyrrell Lowe

Graphic Designers | Anett Arc, Ashley McPherson, Marzia Del Gaone, Noemi Balint, Maria Gimenez, Filipe Costa, Martina Labaiova, Will Ingham, Dimeji Akinkuolie

Lead Designer | John Hammond
Publisher |Susanne Hauner

Digital Publishing Director | Duncan West


Sales Manager | Nimai Amin

+44 (0) 207 936 6453

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