Professional inspection systems are smarter,  more robust, and offer numerous benefits for your manufacturing environment.

Unlike conventional smart cameras, OPTEL’s PC-based vision systems offer much higher processing power, providing you with the capability and versatility to process complex tasks.

Our solutions are also traceability-ready. Imagine the visibility you would gain by tracking your devices all the way to the patient and accessing all the valuable data generated at every step of the supply chain.

Plus, we take care of integration, so no need to prepare IQ/OQ documentation. Our experts make sure your system is installed correctly and works throughout its lifetime.

Smart cameras can’t do all that.
We can.

Be smarter. Contact us. |


  • 100% label inspection
    (artwork and variable data)
    in a compact design
  • Superior performance:
    Up to 24,000 inspections/minute
  • Switch printing materials without
    changing system configurations
    on large web printers
  • Now available for desktop labelers



  • Detects foreign-body contaminants, creases, poor sealing contact
  • Ensures consistency of inspections,
    minimizing impact on OEE
  • Easy access to preloaded batch
    and lot numbers to avoid human error
  • Fast, 100% automatic seal inspections
  • Compact design conforms to ISO 7 standards for cleanrooms



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