in this issue

special issue // yearbook 2018

in this issue

special issue // yearbook 2018

The rise of medical devices has forced medical authorities to rapidly revaluate their processes as innovation continues to outpace regulation. We take a look back at some of the most notable developments in med tech, including a new method to grow bone from stem cells and a breakthrough in wireless charging for implants.

Also, we review the biggest stories from this year, including Silicon Valley Bank’s initiative to fund med tech innovation from the ground up, an innovative molecular imaging instrument that could help nip drug failure in the bud, and round up key machine learning developments in the medical field.

Plus, we find out how healthcare providers can realise the vision of connected healthcare delivery by capitalising on the second wave of digitisation, profile disposable diagnostics tools helping to address the growing problem of antimicrobial resistance, and explore the super-sized medical device sector in Costa Rica.

Finally, we take a look at the challenge of regulating 3D printed medical devices and ask if hospitals should eschew single use tools and focus on reusing more medical devices as a cheap and safe alternative to buying expensive new equipment.

Eloise McLennan, editor

Go to article: Home | The dawn of digital healthGo to article: In this issueGo to article: Telemed Company InsightGo to article: TelemedGo to article: ContentsGo to article: Formacoat Company InsightGo to article: FormacoatGo to article: Nelson Labs Company InsightGo to article: Nelson LabsGo to article: Nanokicking: a new method to grow bone from stem cellsGo to article: Electronic Sensor TechnologyGo to article: IMT Company InsightGo to article: IMTGo to article: Silicon Valley Bank: Funding med tech innovation from the ground upGo to article: Röchling Medical NeuhausGo to article: Medica LLC Company InsightGo to article: Medica LLCGo to article: A breakthrough in wireless charging for implantsGo to article: Accurate Biometrics Company InsightGo to article: Accurate BiometricsGo to article: Machine Solutions Company InsightGo to article: Machine SolutionsGo to article: Molecular imaging: nipping drug failure in the bud Go to article: Cap Biomaterials Company Insight Go to article: Cap BiomaterialsGo to article: Tricor Systems Company InsightGo to article: Tricor SystemsGo to article: Tech watch: machine learning in healthcareGo to article: Bright PlasticsGo to article: goMed2MedGo to article: Optimising the care pathway: A vision of connected healthcare deliveryGo to article: Velixx Company InsightGo to article: VelixxGo to article: Ginolis Company InsightGo to article: GinolisGo to article: Disposable diagnostics: fighting antimicrobial resistance in the field Go to article: Sab Broeckskes Gmbh & Co. KgGo to article: Inside Costa Rica’s super-sized medical device sectorGo to article: ARPAGo to article: 3D printed medical devices: a tough trial for regulation?Go to article: Walter+Bai AG Company InsightGo to article: Walter+Bai AGGo to article: Breaking point: should we be reusing more medical devices?Go to article: Protomatic Company InsightGo to article: Protomatic MedicalGo to article: EventsGo to article: Next issue