Project Updates

Tablo Haemodialysis System, US

Credit: Outset Medical

Project type: Haemodialysis delivery system 

Developer: Outset Medical 

Applications: Haemodialysis for patients with acute and chronic kidney diseases 

Technology: Haemodialysis delivery system 

Development Status: Approved in the US 

Tablo is a mobile haemodialysis system developed by US-based medical technology company Outset Medical for the treatment of patients with acute and/or chronic renal failure.

Neurologica’s BodyTom Elite Computed Tomography (CT) Scanner

Credit: NeuroLogica

Project type: Portable computed tomography (CT) scanner 

Developer: NeuroLogica 

Applications: X-ray computed tomography 

Technology: Portable computed tomography (CT) scanner 

Development Status: Approved in the US

BodyTom Elite is a mobile, full-body, 32-slice computed tomography (CT) scanner developed by NeuroLogica.

Abbott’s Assert-IQ Insertable Cardiac Monitoring (ICM) System

Credit: Abbott

Project type: Insertable cardiac monitoring (ICM) system

Developer: Abbott

Applications: Diagnostic assessment and long-time monitoring of patients with arrhythmias

Technology: ICM system

Development Status: Approved in the US 

Assert-IQ is an insertable cardiac monitoring (ICM) system developed by Abbott,

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