
Get ready for the Medical Device Network Excellence Awards

The Power Technology Excellence Awards celebrate the greatest achievements and innovations in the industry.

The Medical Device Network Excellence Awards celebrate the greatest achievements and innovations in the industry.  

The programme provides a platform to recognise the people and companies that are driving change and is powered by the business intelligence of GlobalData. This means that our team of researchers and journalists, along with artificial intelligence, analyse one billion datasets during the year to recognise and endorse top-tier companies and their achievements in 200+ counties.

Our programme is designed to highlight excellence within the sector by looking at a range of corporate activities including deals, business projects and company initiatives, both internal and in the community.

Download our Research Guide for more information


Companies and institutions are evaluated based on their performance in 12 key Areas of Excellence, with evidence from our own research and our ranking submission process.

  • Business Expansion 

  • Diversity  

  • Environmental 

  • Financing  

  • Innovation  

  • Investment  

  • M&A  

  • Marketing  

  • Product Launches 

  • Research and Development 

  • Safety  

  • Social 

Each Area of Excellence includes a number of sub-categories focusing on specific areas of the market with category winners selected for each.

What do we produce?

The awards are published online and we also produce an expanded PDF report for distribution which compiles all the award shortlists, winners and company profiles in one document.

Key dates

September – Submissions Open
December – Award winners announced 

Benefits for winning companies 

  • Independent recognition solidifies your business as a trustworthy brand. 
  • Our brand is recognised as a mark of excellence in the industry. 
  • Recognition highlights your company as an industry expert. 
  • Recognition is excellent for the morale of your team and colleagues who drive the positive change. 
  • Success and independent recognition attracts interest and helps win new business.

Marketing packages

Taking part in the Excellence Awards offer your company many benefits including being able to tell the market, new and prospective clients about your achievement.

Packages include: 

  • Profile article highlighting your company’s achievements 
  • Marketing rosettes 
  • Certificates  
  • Social media promotion

For full details on the benefits, the scale of our audience and the marketing packages on offer, please download the Research Guide.

Download our Research Guide

Frequently asked questions

Are there any costs involved in the awards?
There is no fee to submit information but to maximize your exposure we have a range of packages to promote your success to our 10+ million audience. Please discuss promo packages with your awards adviser: or

What sort of projects can I submit as case studies?
Case studies should fit in one of our 12 Areas of Excellence. Please see the examples listed under each category in the Research Guide.

I want to submit a project/case study but don’t know what category to submit for.
You don’t need to submit for a particular category, we will take relevant projects/case studies into consideration for all relevant categories.

Do I have to use the format of the online form?
No, you can upload your case studies as a Word or PDF document using the upload feature in the online form or email it.

How will our case studies be used?
Case study information may be published alongside your award. If you don’t want certain information published, please make this clear in the description.

I have a long-term project that I want to submit as a case study, will it be valid for this year’s research?
If a substantial amount of work has been done on the project during the research period, it will be valid.

Can I get an extension to the submission deadline?
Please email the request and length of extension to the research team, they can usually be accommodated.

Contact us

For more information on the awards and our methodology, please contact:

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