There are dozens of coating possibilities out there for your device, and it can be difficult to find one that performs optimally according to your unique specifications. At Formacoat, we aren't limited to one outfit — our wardrobe of coating contains nearly a hundred different varieties that come from fifty different vendors. We know how to tailor your coating needs, device expectations, and wildest dreams. Since we don't sell coatings, we see each option without bias, and can help select, tweak, and perfect each coating to fit your device with exacting precision. And then build a system that can do it again and again, up to full-scale production.

Our dedicated teams of chemists and engineers have experience with a stunning amount of coating varieties and a knack for effectively and efficiently visualizing coating solutions that fit all your needs. Now with two facilities of over 85,000 square feet of space devoted to commercial scale contract coating operations and powerful R&D, we are capable of more than ever before. With over 23 years of experience, Formacoat is ready to move your device coating selection from monotone to multichromatic.

Making the Tools of Medicine Run Smoother®
Call or Email Formacoat Today: (952) 895 0200  •

Creatively Coating What You Dare to Dream

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